International Association of Professionals in Sugar and Integrated Technologies

IAPSIT Constitution

Name of Association

The name of the Association shall be the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONALS IN SUGAR AND INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES and shall be referred to as IAPSIT throughout this Constitution.

The IAPSIT Secretariat

This will provide a permanent address and focal point for IAPSIT. The address of the IAPSIT shall be as follows:

IAPSIT Secretariat
Dr. Yang-Rui Li, President IAPSIT
IAPSIT Secretariat
Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences
174 East Daxue Road, Nanning, Guangxi, 530007
Telephone No. 00 86 771 3277580

Secretary Office

Secretary IAPSIT
Dr. Govind P Rao
Principal Scientist, Division of Plant Pathology
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa Campus
New Delhi 110012, India
Telephone no : +91-9711763384
Email :,

This Secretariat will be responsible for:

  • Coordinating the activities of IAPSIT, maintaining communication among members and the various bodies of IAPSIT, and fostering links with other associations and societies having common interests.
  • Maintaining a database for membership and technical information related to IAPSIT activities and the sugar and integrated industries of the developing countries.
  • Maintaining a copy of all proceedings, newsletters and any other records or reports
  • Processing membership applications, renewals and other matters related to membership, preparing budget and financial statements, for having accounts audited, and implementing fund raising activities.
  • Supporting and carrying out all major activities of IAPSIT including the organization of international symposia and workshops.
  • INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM shall be referred to as IS throughout this Constitution.
  • EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE shall be referred to as EC throughout this Constitution.